Sunday, March 24, 2019

Wesley Clark and President George W Bush Plan to Attack Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia, and finally Sudan.

WASHINGTON, September 22 - U.S. Presidential hopeful Wesley Clark, the former general who led NATO forces during the Kosovo campaign, revealed on Monday, September 22, that the Bush administration had set-up a five-year plan to invade seven Muslim countries after the 9/11 attacks, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia, and finally Sudan.

In his book "The Clark Critique" excerpts of which were published by this week's Newsweek edition, the four-star retired general wrote that following the September attacks, the U.S. administration became preoccupied with the idea of "state sponsorship" and "draining the swamp" of terrorism.
"In the aftermath of the attacks of September 11, many in the Bush administration seemed most focused on a prospective move against Iraq. This was the old idea of state sponsorship-even though there was no evidence of Iraqi sponsorship of 9/11 whatsoever," the anti-Iraqi war Democrat said.
"But there was more. This was being discussed as part of a five-year campaign plan and there were a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia, and Sudan."

Thursday, March 21, 2019

The Boy Hero Who Egged anti-Muslim Australia Politician Fraser Anning

Image may contain: 3 people, people standing

The Boy Hero Who Egged anti-Muslim Australia  Politician
Fraser Anning

And a separate petition on calling for Senator Fraser Anning to be removed from parliament has amassed more than 1 million signatures in less than two days - a site record.
The originator of the petition, Kate Ahmad, wrote Senator Anning had "no place in the government of our democratic and multicultural country".
Will Connolly, the 17-year-old boy, has received an outpouring of support from around the world after he smashed an egg on to the head of the controversial politician as he spoke to media at a far-right rally in Moorabbin, Melbourne.

Will Connolly, a Melbourne teen, was arrested and later released without charge.
He has posted a short video to Twitter identifying himself as "Egg Boy".
"Don't egg politicians, you get tackled by thirty bogans at the same time, I learnt the hard way," he said in the video.
He further tweeted that "Muslims are not terrorists and terrorism has no religion."
His account appears to have been taken down from the platform.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

رجب اردوغان لم يؤسس جامعة اسلاميه للعالم الاسلامى فى تركيا

رجب اردوغان لم يؤسس جامعة اسلاميه للعالم الاسلامى فى تركيا

يجب إعادة الاسماء الاسلاميه  فى تركيا بعد منعها بواسطة الشيطان اتا تورك

Islamic names should return to family names in Turkey, Ata-Turk have banned it.

رسائل خطيرة كتبها قاتل المصلّين في نيوزيلندا على سلاحه

نقدم لكم أهم وأخر الاخبار في المقال التالي:
رسائل خطيرة كتبها قاتل المصلّين في نيوزيلندا على سلاحه ! من موقع الفجر، بتاريخ اليوم الجمعة 15 مارس 2019 .

كتب منفذ الهجوم على مسجدي مدينة كرايست تشيرش في نيوزيلندا، الجمعة، عبارات عنصرية على سلاحه هاجم فيها الدولة العثمانية والأتراك، حسب ما أظهر مقطع الفيديو الذي بثه بنفسه عبر الإنترنت.
ومن بين العبارات العنصرية التي كتبها منفذ المذبحة، الذي يدعى برينتون تارانت، وهو أسترالي الجنسية عمره 28 عاما، على سلاحه "Turcofagos" وتعني بالعربية "التركي الفج"، وكذلك: "1683 فيينا" في إشارة إلى تاريخ معركة فيينا التي خسرتها الدولة العثمانية ووضعت حدا لتوسعها في أوروبا.
كما كتب على سلاحه الذي نفذ به المذبحة: " اللاجئون، أهلا بكم في الجحيم؟".
وكتب أيضا " وقف تقدم الأمويين الأندلسيين في أوروبا" في إشارة منه إلى الفتوحات الاسلامية التي قادها جيش الأندلس.
وجاءت باقي العبارات التي دونها القاتل على سلاحه على النحو التالي:
- اسم الطالب الإرهابي الذي قتل اثنين من الأطفال المهاجرين في السويد.
- اسم الإرهابي الذي هاجم مسجد في كندا وقتل 6 مسلمين.
- اسم القائد الألباني الذي الذي تمرد على الحكم العثماني.
- إسم القائد العسكري الفينيسي الذي خرق الإتفاق مع الاتراك وقتل الأسرى.
- إسم القائد العسكري الذي انتصر على والي الأندلس عبد الرحمان الغافقي في معركة بلاط الشهداء.
- تاريخ معركة ڤيينا التي إنتهت بإنتصار التحالف المسيحي على دولة الخلافة العثمانية.
وكتب أيضا بعض التواريخ وهي:
معركة تولوز بين جيش الخلافة الأموية وقوات دوق أقطانية وانتهت بهزيمة الأمويين.
الحملة الصليبية الثالثة ومجزرة عكا التي قتل فيها ريتشارد قلب الأسد ملك إنجلترا أكثر من 2000 مسلم بعد تأمينهم.
معركة ليبانت البحرية والتي شهدت انتصار التحالف المسيحي على أسطول دولة الخلافة العثمانية.
حصار بلغراد - وهو حصار الإمبراطورية الرومانية ضد الخلافة العثمانية.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Kosovo Mufti Naim Ternava Confirms 218 Mosques Were Destroyed By The Serbs in Kosovo

العصابات الصربيه حطمت اكثر من ٢١٨ جامع و مسجد فى كوزوفو وقتلت اكثر من عشرين الف مسلم من مجموع اقل من اثنين مليون نسمه فى حرب اباده وهاجرت عشرات الالاف من قراهم  ورغم ذلك فإن تونس و الجزائر و المغرب تتودد وتظهر الحب الشديد ل دولة الصرب٠ فى مصر ذلك استمر فى عهد٠ حسنى مبارك لكن عندما جاء محمد مرسى اعترف بدولة كوزوفو٠ موقف  تونس و الجزائر و المغرب مهزله 
وخيانه للاسلام و العالم الاسلامى

Kosovo War: Thousands killed as Serb forces tried to keep control of province

Between March and June of 1999 Serb forces controlled by Slobodan Milosevic employed murder and mass deportation in a doomed attempt to maintain control over the province, nominally a part of Serbia but home to a predominately ethnic Albanian (Kosovar) population.
It is estimated that some 700,000 Kosovars were expelled from their homeland during that period, and that some 11,000 people died as a result of the fighting. The latter figure, although appalling in human terms, is far lower than the estimates issued by Nato and the US State Department during the war to justify the Nato air offensive aimed at ending Serbian military action. They claimed hundreds of thousands of Kosovar men had gone missing during a campaign of ethnic cleansing instituted by the Serbs.
Despite its Albanian population, Kosovo held a distinctive place in Serb national mythology as the spiritual cradle of the nation. Seized by Serbia from the crumbling Ottoman Empire in 1912, the province was granted a degree of autonomy within the Serbian republic in 1974. During the 1980s the drive for Kosovar self-determination resulted in a clamp-down by Belgrade and the withdrawal of autonomous status. Milosevic capitalised on growing Serb nationalist sentiment in 1989 by addressing a huge gathering of Serbs marking the 600th anniversary of the Battle of Kosovo.
Full-scale conflict was avoided during the Croatian and Bosnian wars of 1991-1995 but mounting attacks by the Kosovo Liberation Army from 1996 onwards resulted in brutal retaliation by Serb forces in 1998, leaving 300,000 Albanians homeless by October. Fighting resumed in the new year, culminating in January with a massacre of 40-plus Kosovar civilians at Racak.
The western powers warned of military retaliation against Serbia but Belgrade rejected an interim settlement that would have led to the demilitarisation of Kosovo and the insertion of a Nato peacekeeping force.